I Am Beautiful

Watercolor Portrait with Positive Affirmation I Am Beautiful

beautiful [ byoo-tuh-fuhl ]:
having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about; delighting the senses or mind; excellent of its kind.

An inspirational quote using this word:

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
-Helen Keller

A very short story by Radha as inspired by her muse:
She was so beautiful the moment she was born that even the Sun blushed when he first laid eyes on her. The Moon got so shy that he hid long before he finally came out to say hello. The Universe had never seen such a ray of light, so they decided to crown her a Goddess.

A few prompts to help you tap into feeling Beautiful:
-What traits do you define as inner beauty versus outer beauty?
Use someone you love or admire as a muse to help you define those traits.
-From that list, what traits do YOU feel you share, and why?
-What is one trait that you identify and resonate with the most, and what positive affirmation can you create from that?

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I Am Beautiful
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