I Am Radiant
radiant [ rey-dee-uhnt ]:
emitting rays of light; shining; bright; bright with joy, and hope.
An inspirational quote using this word:
Escape from the black cloud that surrounds you.
Then you will see your own light as radiant as the full moon.
A very short story by Radha as inspired by her muse:
As she'd walk past, her radiance was so bright that it nearly blinded me. I thought to myself "what was her secret?" So, I quickly put on my sunglasses and followed to ask her. She then said "when you immerse yourself in radiance, joy, love and hope, no one can dim your light."
A few prompts to help you tap into you feeling Radiant:
-List out and define characteristics of radiance.
Feel free to use a loved one or someone you admire as a muse to help you come up with that list.
-Which characteristics do you believe speak most to your personality?
-Record yourself on a voice memo listing out those self characteristics as “I am…”, etc. What emotions do you feel when you hear that play?